This will certainly be the most favourite, cutest print of 2024! Designed for the ‘awww’ factor as it’s covered with cuddly grey bunnies and scrumptious carrots that both 4 legged friends love to eat. The rabbits are hugging their favourite treat, almost as if saving it to share with their larger greedier field companions.
The rich burgundy highlighted with warm orange and luscious green give this rug a all seasons look. Made with a 50g fill and comes with our unique 5 point detachable neck.
The addition of the unique, fully functional 5-point neck, the velcro attachment is positioned at the base of the whither, preventing any lift or separation, along with the 2 velcro tabs either side of the neck prevents movement. This gives owners all year-round usage, and choice to provide full coverage for the neck if the weather decides to be extra British!!
The design of the rug provides, in true Gallop style, a great fit for all due to the front being fully adjustable straps on the chest, a generous shoulder pleat, fully adjustable cross over surcingles, fully adjustable elasticated leg straps with the added coverage of our full width tail flap.
Everyone from our mini-Shetlands to the larger horses will look absolutely stunning but more importantly stay protected from the different elements in our unmistakably Gallop, new spring release print. Everyone will want one of these for the equine friends, those that do buy them will be the envy of the yard!
• Detachable Neck
• 600 ripstop outer with Nylon Lining
• 50g fill
• Waterproof & Breathable
• Elasticated detachable leg straps
Sizes: 5'6" - 7'0"